Pixel Tracking


Peekays Findings

To shop the full range of Peekays Findings please login to your account.
Pricing of Peekays Findings products is visible on our website once you have logged in.

Click here to view Peekays Findings.




  • Price List current as at 01 December 2024.
  • Prices are in AUD and do not include GST.
  • Prices are subject to change without notice.
  • Enquiries - Call Peekays Findings on 1800 811 116, or your local AJS Showroom on 1300 852 999.
Peekays Price List PDF VERSION
Click here
to download a PDF version of this price list.

Note: Discount applies when you order according to the following quantities 

Quantity Discount
Discount applies when you order according to the following quantities

Qty Discount
5+ 7%
10+ 12%
20+ 17%


Click here to download a PDF of product images. All products are displayed at actual size.

- Price amended since the previous price list.
NS - No stock at date of price list.