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 Jewellers Market Place


 Primassure Insurance


Recommended Supplier: Primassure (Australia) Pty Ltd
Products/Services: Primassure (Australia) Pty Ltd specialise in arranging Jewellers
Block Insurance to the Jewellery/Diamond Industry.

Website: primassure.com.au
Phone: (08) 8373 2289
Contact: Ann Keenan

Business Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am to 5.00pm. ACST.

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JAA Insurance

JAA Insurance


Recommended Supplier: JAA Insurance Services
Products/Services: A broker dedicated to serving the insurance needs of the 
jewellery industry, with over 40 years' experience.

Website: jaais.com.au
Phone: (02) 8350 9999
Contact: Kevin Whelpton

Business Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm. EST.


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Please use your own due diligence when making a purchase.

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