Gemax Polariscope Dual Light (Yellow+White)

$310.58 ex gst

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Gemax Polariscope, comes with the dual light source, White & Yellow. Comes with a conoscope !!

A perfect polariscope for the lab use or classroom with White + Yellow LED.

Ideal for carrying around to a gem exhibition for quick reference.

A Polarized loupe helps in examining substances in polarized light to obtain or determine the stress in glass and other substances. It is simply one of the tools that analyze the light that passes through the gemstones.

The Polariscope can not be used to test opaque or assembled stones. In Gemology, it helps to obtain optical properties of transparent to translucent gem materials. Which means it can identify if a stone has singly refractive (SR),

doubly refractive (DR) or is an aggregate (AGG). Some stones split the light (DR) and some not (SR) which gives them there unique property and easy to identify them through their light refraction property.